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Chiropractic Care

We know our chiropractic patients are all unique, and at Lifestyle Medicine we treat you that way. What makes us unique among New Jersey chiropractors is our commitment to your health through chiropractic care in combination with nutrition, stress management and ergonomic and postural evaluations.

To better understand chiropractic care it is helpful to know this treatment focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Doctors of Chiropractic – often referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians – practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. 

Research has shown spinal adjustments to be the most effective treatment in numerous conditions including back pain. This is because spinal adjustments correct many of the structural, biomechanical and neurological abnormalities of the spine which cause or contribute to a high number of back, neck and other non-spinal ailments.


Acupuncture is a form of healing therapy that activates the body’s own healing ability to rebalance & restore itself naturally. Our integrated acupuncture uses a time-honored, safe, medically substantiated method to help patients become pain-free, achieve healthy weight, heal and rejuvenate their system. Although still regarded as an alternative therapy, acupuncture is highly praised throughout the medical community for its effectiveness and lack of negative side effects. Acupuncture has been known to successfully treat many acute & chronic illnesses that Western medicine had trouble treating effectively.

Conditions We Treat

Skin Disorders

Stress & Emotional

Allergy & Respiratory

Digestive & Weight

Pain Relief

Women's Health

Men's Health

  • Botox

  • Fillers

  • Cosmetic Laser Treatments

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture

  • Anti-Aging Vitamin IV's

  • Beauty Nutritional Counseling

  • Fascial Massage

  • And more...


Our nurses will test you from your vehicle. Results can take a little as an hour or up to 48 hours.

Medical Exams

At Core Wellness Medicine, what sets us apart from the rest is our strong emphasis on personalization, prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and the utilization of the most up to date and advanced treatment modalities available.

Blood work

  • Essential nutrients

  • Thyroid function

  • Cardiovascular health and metabolic functioning

  • Inflammatory markers

  • Hormones

In-depth testing for deeper healing.​​

The types of advanced testing we offer:


Diagnostic Ultra Sound


Our blood work goes much deeper than what’s offered by most doctors. 

Specialty tests

Each of our specialty tests dives further into a specific health issue. 

  • Sports injuries

  • After surgical care

  • Back pain

  • Spine conditions

  • Knee pain

  • Shoulder pain


  • Ankle/foot pain

  • TMJ

  • Neck pain

  • Tennis elbow

  • Flatfoot

  • Heel pain



Types of Energy Healing


A Japanese energy healing technique. It’s a complementary or alternative health approach used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.


During a reiki session, the practitioner places their hands either directly on you or just above you to bring about healing. The belief is that the practitioner is able to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities.

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)

A non-forceful, energy balancing, hands-on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.

It is a system of health care that is state of the art in balancing body, mind, memory and spirit energy fields, and enhancing the flow of that energy throughout the entire system.

Sound Healing Therapy

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).


individualized approach to medicine that addresses the root causes of disease, rather than just symptoms. Our practitioners work with patients to find the how and why illnesses occur. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. 

If the underlying causes are not addressed, problems can progress and worsen. We do everything we can to fortify the entire body with the goal of enhancing each individual’s healing process and an emphasized focus on prevention



#1: Improved Wellness

IV drip therapy improves overall wellness by providing 100% of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to:

  • Improve immune health

  • Boost energy levels

  • Improve symptoms of depression

  • Improve anxiety

  • Improve mental clarity and cognitive function

  • Reduce the symptoms of migraines

  • #2: Accentuated Beauty

  • Prevent the damaging effects of free radicals

  • Slow the aging process

  • Strengthen hair, nails, skin, and eyes

  • Brighten skin

  • Improve blemishes

  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles

#3: Improved Athletic Performance

These IV drips also contain amino acids, the building blocks of proteins that help the body during the recovery and muscle building process. IV drip for athletes can:

  • Provide fast and effective hydration

  • Improve athletic performance

  • Reduce recovery time

  • Support muscle recovery

  • Maintain healthy muscle and tissue

  • Flush out free radicals naturally produced by exercise

  • Act as a pre-exercise endurance boost

  • Act as part of a recovery plan after a competition or workout

  • #4: Hydration & Fast Hangover Relief

  • Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it dehydrates and removes nutrients from your body. Drip Hydration’s Hangover IVs contain electrolytes, saline solution, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medication. This combination of ingredients rehydrates and detoxifies your body and restores nutrients and electrolytes lost during drinking

#5: IVs Can Support Healthy Weight Loss

Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it dehydrates and removes nutrients from your body. Drip Hydration’s Hangover IVs contain electrolytes, saline solution, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medication. This combination of ingredients rehydrates and detoxifies your body and restores nutrients and electrolytes lost during drinking.

  • Improve symptoms of asthma

  • Improve allergies

  • Combat fatigue

  • Accelerate wound healing

  • Maintain the strength of muscles & tissues

  • and much more

  • #6 Addiction Recovery

  • Reduce symptoms of withdrawal, the critical first step in any drug addiction recovery program

  • Detoxify your body from the free radicals produced by long-term drug use

  • Repair neurotransmitters in your brain which are damaged by addiction.

  • Regular treatments of our Beauty IV can slow the natural aging process and help keep your skin, hair, and nails looking radiant and healthy. IV drip therapy can help you look your best by:

  • Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it dehydrates and removes nutrients from your body. Drip Hydration’s Hangover IVs contain electrolytes, saline solution, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medication. This combination of ingredients rehydrates and detoxifies your body and restores nutrients and electrolytes lost during drinking.

  • NAD IV treatments are an ideal cotherapy alongside a full addiction recovery program. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a co-enzyme which your body naturally produces, and which can help you on the journey to addiction recovery.

  • Restore cognitive function and clarity

  • Restore metabolic function and improve energy levels

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